We understand that academic staff have been tackling important issues like pensions cuts, pay, and working conditions, but university students across the country have equally felt the knock on affects of the strike action.
Students who started their studies in 2020 received half of the teaching for their course during the COVID-19 pandemic, and have missed out on a large part of the university experience. Now they are losing important days of studying and missing lectures due to the strikes.
Many students are sympathetic with their lecturers, who should be working under good terms, so that students can be taught by the best in the industry.
But, this is not the way. In this instance both sides are losing out, the students missing out on good education and lecturers receiving low pay or no pay at all, whilst Union bosses collect £100k in their paychecks.
The Vice Chancellor and University officials must work with striking lecturers and make sure that they are supported.
The biggest priority should be the students and their university experience.