Strong winds and extreme weather warnings forced Falmouth University to send out an email to all their students advising them to switch to online teaching Friday 18th, and avoid going to campus.
While most students logged into Teams this morning, there were some who were allowed back on campus, and are continuing their work as per usual.
Eleonor Koleva is one of these students. The third-year fashion design student has been allowed back on campus after the course requested the fashion studios to stay open for the third-years.
“I am happy with the decision to be on campus as our course is mostly practical and it is impossible to do from home,” she says to Truthfal.
Many students got upset by the fact that in-person teaching got switched to online because of the weather warnings, and Koleva understands why.
“Everyone should have access to campus as we are all adults and by now we should be able to make the decision when it’s safe for us to come or not,” she says before adding:
“The wind isn’t a reason good excuse for not creating”.