On Wednesday (February 24) Boris Johnson announced an extra £400 million of funding – on top of the £3 million he pledged in January – to support school children in England to make up for months of lost learning time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This includes a one-off £302 million “Recovery Premium” for state primary and secondary schools to boost summer schooling, clubs and activities to support pupils who need it the most, potentially starting with those moving up into Year 7 at secondary school this year.
Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has said that the money is to ensure “no child is left behind” due to the pandemic.
No dates have been confirmed yet after the government said it would be up to the schools to decide if and how they will run summer schools, which pupils will be invited, and how long they will be.
However, there has been a mixed reaction to the news from parents and school children, with some children are excited by the idea to see their teachers and friends and catch up on their learning, while others would prefer the summer off.
On the other hand, some parents believe that the government should fund out-of-school holiday clubs and activities, to encourage learning outside the classroom as many families feel they need a break because they have been working hard over the last year to keep on track with their home learning.
The announcement of summer schooling by the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, comes just days after Boris Johnson’s ‘roadmap to recovery’, which outlined the key dates the country could see lockdown restrictions ease until all social distancing measures are lifted on June 21.
One key date the Prime Minister announced was May 17 – the date when people in England will be allowed to go on holiday.
Inevitably, the eyes of thousands of people across the country turned to Cornwall as the county saw a rush of bookings from ‘staycationers’ planning their summer holidays.
According to booking data from the Premiere Inn, Newquay has already been crowned as the UK’s top seaside town of choice for holidays in 2021.
So, if children in England were to attend summer school, what could this mean for Cornwall’s tourism industry and the county’s economic recovery post-covid?
Some parents who may have already booked their family’s summer holiday in Cornwall may choose to cancel to allow their children to make up for their lost learning time, while other’s may choose not to take the opportunity for summer school and instead focus on how children can learn outdoors and enjoy a summer break before starting afresh in September.
There is a potential risk that Cornwall’s tourism sector could suffer from a reduced number of bookings or cancelled holiday plans.