With what seems like the light at the end of the tunnel for the Covid-19 crisis within the UK, the world of employment will start to descend on university students. 20-year-old second-year student Linus Leo Lampe, who studies law and business has established a podcast that offers insight into some of the country’s most interesting careers.

Linus Leo Lampe (Left) and Ed Dempsey (Right) Photo: Gianna Buckland https://www.gianna.photos/

Speaking on how the podcast was established, Lampe said: “Over lockdown, I had essentially run out of ideas and I joked with my co-host Ed Dempsey about starting a podcast, 9 months down the line, here we are.”

“When we started out, collecting a team, organising the roles, the objective behind was to give people a medium to understand their careers or understand what they could achieve with their degree.”

The podcast has branched out quickly and included some guests who have certainly lived very interesting lives. “We’ve interviewed an MP, a venture capitalist, consultant, just naming a few careers,” Lampe said.

“We’ve got guests from all aspects of society and a variety of careers, and fortunately for us, we secured funding from the Flamank Law Society“.

The MP is Truro and Falmouth’s newly elected Cherilyn Mackrory, not a bad guest to have, especially in times like these.

Jukka Aalho – Unsplash


The Verdict‘, alongside its interviews, has started to incorporate quizzes to give their listeners something else to indulge themselves with. Speaking on this, Lampe said: “The key focus for the podcast is career development whilst entertaining people.” This gives the show a ‘Have I got news for you?’ vibe, enabling the humour to be edgy with consideration.

Lampe to sum it up in one sentence, says, “‘ The Verdict’ is an entertaining way into giving people an insight into their future careers.”

The key to the show, is understanding the paths the individuals took into becoming the individual they are today. “No one wants to hear ‘you could do this’, ‘you could do that’. The question is how are we going to do that? What did that individual do to get into that situation?”

Similar to Lampe, understanding how an individual created an opportunity for themselves is far more inspiring in my opinion than simply seeing what careers are out there. Anthony Joshua got in a ring, found himself to be a good boxer, less than 10 years later he was champion of the world after hours on hours of dedication perfecting a craft. It isn’t just sport, it’s business, academia, even journalism, it’s not about the career, it’s the pursuit of the career, and decisions made in the build that make the difference.

‘The Verdict’ asked the three questions: What are your talents? Who do you know? How do you combine both to make the career of your future?

Now it’s time you ask yourself these three questions.