For some, February the 14th is Valentine’s Day. For others, it’s “V-Day”, a global movement to end violence against women and girls.

Activists around the world are demonstrating as part of “One Billion Rising”, a campaign against violence towards women. 

The organisation’s website states that it is the “biggest mass action” to end violence against women in human history.  

Dancer and choreographer Emily Alden has been teaching people how to take part in this year’s Truro demonstration, which will take place in the city centre, outside the cathedral at 6pm this evening. 

Joe Buncle spoke to those attending a rehearsal in Penryn ahead of the protest, which will take the form of a group dance:

According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales, 1.6 million women experienced domestic abuse in the UK last year. 

The campaign was started in 2012 by author, playwright and activist Eve Ensler, writer of The Vagina Monologues.

The event was organised by Cornish women’s group Kerpow (Kernow Power of Women), in association with Hall For Cornwall.

For information about how you can support the cause this evening, click here.