Imagine if 1966 could be recreated in 2030 and England win the World Cup on home soil.
Football is seen as the sport that brings people together, England’s run in the 2018 World Cup in Russia sparked a summer of jubilation. die hard football fans were joined by members of the public who never normally watch the beautiful game in cheering on the nation. “Three Lions” was back in the charts and people were singing “its coming home” everywhere they went. This sense of national unity is what Boris Johnson is aiming to achieve with his latest promise.
Last Sunday saw the Prime Minister announce the Conservative manifesto for the upcoming general election. Amongst all the usual policies on NHS, Brexit and climate change, the Tory manifesto contains a pledge to campaign for a joint FIFA World Cup host bid with the UK and Ireland. The idea seemingly behind this proposal is to secure the vote of football fans and young people, especially those who are currently unsure on who to vote for.
After speaking to people around Falmouth it seems however that this pledge has had little effect on non-conservative voters. One football fan Ted MacDonnell said
“I don’t think it makes a difference to be honest, there is more at stake then a football tournament no matter how nice it would be, plus there is no guarantee that he isn’t lying again anyway.”
Molly Emerson is also a football fan and states that this pledge will have no effect on her.
“The most important topics in this election are the NHS, Brexit and climate change. It would be nice but the Tory policies on the key issues are what matters, and they don’t appeal to me, especially on green policy.”
In a poll released by YouGov it showed that Brexit, health and crime were considered the most important issues across the electorate in this general election. While amongst 18-25 year olds climate change is seen as one of the biggest issues.
The football World Cup hasn’t been held here since 1966, when England won their first, and only major tournament. A World Cup back in Great Britain would be great not only for public morale but also the economy due to the number of fans who would travel for the tournament.
However, the manifesto pledge has led to a debate as to whether hosting a major tournament should be an election issue.
The policy is a popular one in the Conservative manifesto but looks like it will have very little effect on who the public vote for come the 12th of December.