Sonia Papper, owner of The Pasty Shack in Falmouth, has been denied initial request for a late night license to cater for student revellers looking to follow their pint with a pasty.
The ‘Shack’ originally sought permission to open until 2:30am but received the compromise of 1:00-1:30am on select days.
However, Papper regarded these proposed hours ‘more trouble’ having to close whilst clubbers exit the nearby bars and not being able to provide refreshment.
Papper told Truthfal: “How many need to close before they do something about it?
“We won’t give up, but it does demoralise you a little bit. At the moment, with students breaking up, we don’t have time to focus on anything else.”
The Shack is currently working with application advisors, looking at fresh and innovative angles to tackle the proposition for a second time in the near future.
Emily Herrod, an undergraduate History student, said: “There’s nothing really catered towards students so maybe if it was open certain nights a week it would be beneficial for the local economy and for sobering people up.”
However, Elliot Harrison, a Photography student, claimed: “Personally I would just have the pasty as one of the many options. Individual pasty shops may work throughout the day, but due to the lack of shops open at night a pasty shop may have a lack of consumers.”
The result came as a major disappointment for both the business and students who were all hopeful for the venture.