Truthfal is a news and features site featuring work by students at Falmouth University.
Our commitment to Ethical Journalism
We take seriously our obligation to maintain high standards of journalism. We consider the Independent Press Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) Editors’ Code of Practice to be a sound statement of ethical behaviour for journalists. All our journalists are required to adhere to that Code, and to apply the principles embedded in the OfCom Broadcasting Code where appropriate to our broadcast reporting.
Complaints handling
Our reporters are trained to apply industry-level legal and ethical standards, including the requirement to report accurately and fairly. But we know sometimes mistakes can be made in the busy and complex process of publishing news and information, some of it live.
In the event that we get something wrong, we would like to know about it.
- Please email your concern to Please include as much detail as you can about the complaint, your full name, telephone number and email address, and also indicate whether or not your letter is intended for publication.
- Once we’ve received your complaint, we aim to acknowledge it within 72 hours during university term-time. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please email
- The Editor, or a member of the team delegated to deal with complaints, will respond promptly to resolve your complaint, either by requesting further information, clarifying a misunderstanding or offering an immediate resolution.