Kieran Buggs

Newquay to Heathrow flights start on Sunday

Flights between Newquay and London are set change route at the end of the month, but will it have much impact on the county? Read more

Granite is the key to County’s geothermal future

Cornwall's granite is thought to pose a key factor in the county's geothermal future according to a new announcement by a conglomerate involved in the Geothermal Power Generated from UK Granite. Read more

Truro City to return home before the end of the season?

Truro City FC could return to their former home, Treyew Road, before the end of the season, following recent revelations. Read more
A Plastic free Falmouth: How is university playing its part?

A Plastic free Falmouth: How is university playing its part?

Falmouth were awarded with the Plastic Free Coastline status by Surfers against Sewage, but where are the universities playing their part? Read more

Fans joyous after Stadium for Cornwall is given £3m funding

Truthfal's Shaun Dacosta and Kieran Buggs visit Treyew Road to gather the thoughts of Truro City fans following the council's Stadium for Cornwall decision. Read more

Status Quo or Worse: Is this what Cornwall voted for?

Kieran Buggs finds out what the latest Brexit news means for Cornwall's fishing industry. Read more

Cape Cornwall? County’s space action plan launched

Kieran Buggs reports on Cornwall's lobby for Space Science Hub, Spaceport and more as part of Space Action Plan Read more
Agriculture, fishing and food. Brexit’s effects on Cornish industry

Agriculture, fishing and food. Brexit’s effects on Cornish industry

Businesses across Cornwall will be keeping a firm eye on Brexit negotiations, but which are set to suffer most from leaving the European Union? Read more

General Election 2017: Voting underway in Falmouth and Truro

Conservative Sarah Newton defending a 10,000 majority Read more